Saturday, January 5, 2013

Who be this Zulu Empire

The Zulu Empire is an independent sovereign nation in the game cyber nations. It's leader is Ubuntu the Great and is the leading and founder of the Zulu Alliance. The Zulu Empire is a force of good in a world of evil entities. It is a beacon of light in the darkness. Ubuntu the Great is the protector of the innocent, the good and the helpless. Scourge of the evil and is the sword of god himself on planet Bob. The good and righteous are our friends and the wicked our enemies. 
 This is where my nation is located in cyber nations planet of Bob 

Zulu Empire National Anthem
Song of Ubuntu the Great 
 It is I Ubuntu the Great of the cyber nation of the Zulu Empire. I have come here to make this blog thing as home of the cyber nations Zulu people. I shall here receive guests and make all official proclamations etc etc etc.

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