Friday, January 4, 2013

War with Polemarch

Our first war was against the nation of Xenios, rular: Polemarch. Ubuntu see that this Xenios nation was attacking any nation that had any connection to the Jewish religion. He had 4 guerrilla camps and was getting some foreign aid by other hate mongers. He bully weaker nations and surprise attaking them with great ferocity and hate. He overwhelm  and try to destroy such nations because they have jewish peoples, religion, Israel flag, or name. He proud to be anti jew. It even say so in his bio.

Ruler: Polemarch
Nation Name: Xenios
League of Inner-Peace and Salvation

About Xenios:
Protecting Bob from Jewish perversity. Even when dead, our message will live on: turn away from the evil of Talmudic Judaism! Protect your nation internally by expelling ALL Jewish poison! If not, we can help. Xenios has cleansed 34 Judaized states

Ubuntu thinking I not like this Polemarch person. I plan to make bad Polemarch pay. Ubuntu defender of the innocent, protector of the helpless and destroyer of evil. On December 9 2012 Zulu Empire declare war and attacken bad Polemarch and his wicked Xenios nation.

Zulu write reason for war:
12/9/2012 10:38:16 AM
"I defending Jewish peoples"

Zulu decend on evil hateful Xenios and win victory after victory. Make Xenios unable to war against anybody. They too tied up with Zulu invasion. We change our religion to Judaism and change flag to Israel and tell Polemarch, look at you now evil Polemarch He beaten into dirt by me black jew. What you say now big shot stupid man.

Xenios has been in Anarchy and inactive for 24 days. He have Nation strength of 767 and no soldiers. Ubuntu killed evil man Polemarch. He very very dead indeed. Zulu triumph

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