Monday, January 14, 2013

War with trollington

War was declared today on the "republic of awesome" led by "trollington" member of the alliance "The League of Somewhat Evil Nations". Ubuntu do a preemptive strike on the alliance partner of Lord Harding. trollington rise in NS very much as Zulu fight Lord Harding. I believe he preparing to attack poor Ubuntu. In 7 days time trollington attack 3 non aligned nations. He pick on helpless like his partner. I think I hit him before he comes for me. Ubuntu plan on setting him back some. Zulu official reason for war: Defending the innocent nations.

Ubuntu send this message to trollington

To: trollington From: Ubuntu the Great
Date: 1/13/2013 4:28:04 PM
trollington mad he send message back:
To: Ubuntu the Great From: trollington
Date: 1/13/2013 6:57:25 PM
Subject: RE: Zulu war Message: your crazy knows no limits does it. i have been waiting for your attack. what makes you such a psychotic weirdo is it because mummy never give you a hug or is it because your uncle touched you in your "no no parts" am i in the ball park? maybe you get some sick sexual kick out of this? it must be one of these that has fixated you with "defending the innocent" and a naked African tribe. i also have reason to believe you never listened in history class as if you did you would know of Rorke's drift but ill put that down to your inability to sit for a class from all the anal bruising. your attack on my-self is the most stupid thing you have ever done i will not be blackmailed and i will not agree peace, I WILL DISTORY YOU
My reply to bad man trollington: 

To: trollington From: Ubuntu the Great
Date: 1/13/2013 8:31:17 PM
Subject: RE: Zulu war
Message: Oh my sir enemy you very strange. You ask me "am I in the ball park". How in the hell do I know where your crazy buttocks is. You ask about Rorkes Drift. Last Ubuntu looked Brits not in control of South Africa. Seems like Zulu won in the end. You say "your attack on my-self is the most stupid thing you have ever done." Maybe you sleep through English class? Myself has no hyphen. Also it is not the most studio thing I have ever done! So there! Last stupid half naked Zulu want to tell you that you spell destroy wrong. Come to Zulu Empire we teach you .

January 17th was a wonderful day in the Zulu neighborhood. It the first time 2 Zulu nations do joint attack on anybody. We gave that honor to trollington to be first nation so attacked. I did my 2 successful ground attacks followed by 2 successful ground attacks by smittygirl75 of Smithlandia.
smittygirls second ground attack put bad enemy man in anarchy. then we each do air and missile attacks together. trollington have no money and very weak. He beaten.

The Templar Knights ask us to please end wars. Everybody send each other peace offers and war end. Zulu victorious!

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