Sunday, January 13, 2013

War with UraniumOverdose

Jan 13, 2013 Ubuntu the Great chief of the Zulu Empire declared war on the nation of  "The Equal States" led by ruler "UraniumOverdose" This war was declared because UraniumOverdose declared war on Ruler: Henry McKay, Nation: Irzankia, Alliance: The Templar Knights. He also on same day declared war on Ruler: Cortex F Rapture, Nation: United Cortex Xenon, Alliance: NATO. Both NATO and TTK are my friends buy most importantly I am protectorate of TTK. They are a holy alliance of good. I shall protect them from evil. My stated reason for war: Defending TTK and NATO. Zulu win both ground battles and evil UraniumOverdose now have lead overdose. He send this peace offer:

To: Ubuntu the Great From: UraniumOverdose
Date: 1/12/2013 6:58:23 PM
Subject: Peace Offer
Message: A peace offer has been submitted by UraniumOverdose for the following reason: I have ceased my attacks. As soon as both nations accept peace the war will end. If either nation attacks one another this peace offer will be automatically canceled.
I not accept or reject peace offer but send reply:

To: UraniumOverdose From: Ubuntu the Great
Date: 1/12/2013 8:12:52 PM
Subject: You bad
Message: Oh my goodness my foolish fellow mr uraniumOverdose. You not only attack two alliances I have befriended but one or them is the Templar Knights. Are you gone insane? They are a Holy Alliance followers of the true cross of God! It is like defiling the house of The Lord. You perhaps have heard of the wrath of god? Well now my good fellow you shall see it. For I Ubuntu the Great and the magnificent Zulu Empire is the instrument of his gods will. We are the sword of god and will make you pay for your sacrilege.
He still at war with my friends and I do not hear from NATO or TTK to stop. We continue attacks winning 2 more ground battles 2 air, 2 cruise missiles.

War continued and UraniumOverdose beat down to anarchy. He no longer attacks back or harm to others. I send peace offer. One Jan 19th he send peace offer too. War ofer Zulu Victory!

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