Saturday, January 5, 2013

Tech Deals

Zulu Empire technology being transported.
Ubuntu always willing to do some tech deals. Zulu Empire is fierce military machine and is in constant readiness for war. Being so we must take in income to pay our bills. When I sell tech I sell for $3 million for 50 tech. In time of war price may include you send 2,000 soldiers. I thinking price is fair and just. Ubuntu has large standing military for my size nation. This insures the protection of your tech from tech raiders. If one be so foolish to invade Zulu Empire to try to steal tech, they shall pay heavily and thus it not worth their costs to attack. It like bank with armed guards. Robber say I shall go to bank with no guards. If they come I shall killen them most dead indeed. Whatever the outcome Zulu true to his word. What I owe I pay back. Tech will be delivered. So sayith Ubuntu the Great.

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