Saturday, January 5, 2013

War with White Shadow

On December 17, 2012 the sleeping lion of the Zulu Empire was awoken with an unprovoked surprise attack at 11:50:47 PM just before update and then just after update. The attacker was the Nation of White Shadow led by the ruler brownbear. He was the strongest of his 3 nation alliance The Delta Alliance. This man looking for easy victory on unprepared target to steal tech. He send Ubuntu peace offer. Ubuntu ignore peace offer, buy guerrilla camps soldiers and counterattack. Zulu win victory, threaten alliance of 3. Delta Alliance hear the Zulu lion roar. He send another peace offer. Zulu attack again. Ubuntu threaten alliance with death. In end brownbear send another peace offer and I have him send my friend lolatyou 25 technology. This way I win war, prove point and give trophy of war to my new friend. Zulu victory again.


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