Sunday, January 20, 2013

The Booms A Rang weapon experiment

In my infinite wisdom Ubuntu the Great think I should make better weapons,
While I watch the TV screen I see this thing called a booms a rang from far off Australia
land. Throw this and it can hit object or if miss it come back to you. I say Zulu need one of these but I shall make bigger and better. I shall develop giant booms a rang for war. Ubuntu not want to use bid tree. I like tree to sit under. I say use dead elephant rib bone and 5 men to throw it.  First problem they can no throw it. So as usual I must think of solution. I say get giant spring idiots! Ok they try booms a rang. It go flying turn around and start to come back. 1 man go flying straight up with spring(give me idea for Observer) 2 men run screaming like freightend school girls 1 hit with brooms a wrang then man in air fall on him. I fall backward in chair on ground. Crazies All running around yelling. Man hit in head not know who he is. I say you the idiot you are the one that supposed to catch booms a wrang. Now try again. Everyone get on knees and say no no king Ubuntu please we beg you go have food or something and we clean up this mess.They plead with Ubuntu.  So I in my extreme kindness say ok. Experiment show me that project needs more work but it did show me how to get man in air to look over treetops. Try other experiments this one not work so good.

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